React Native impressions from a Cordova user

Introduction As web developers, we see the potential that the web offers, as a platform and as a cross platform development environment. I don't think it's a desire for sameness or lack of imagination that propels web technologies across device targets, but the potential and power of what those …

Using with the Ionic Framework

Ionic and are Javascript frameworks that aim to bridge the gap between the web and native app world, so that web technologies can compete with the native experience. Ionic Ionic is focused on on creating beautiful hybrid mobile apps in HTML/CSS, and their ecosystem, tooling and library …

Knowledge Roundup: Week of 12/14

This is just a dumping ground for articles/books/tools that stuck out to me over the last week.

Most of the articles I read come from some excellent newsletter sources: Javascript Weekly, HTML5 Weekly, Ruby Weekly, Node Weekly, Database Weekly, and the Code Project Newsletter. Books are from a …