Clean Subdomains in Laravel

When building a website or application there are a variety of reasons you might want a subdomain ranging from SEO to full separation of application responsibilities. Craigslist uses subdomains to separate it's different regions within states. Other websites use a subdomain to differentiate their …

Selecting carefully with Laravel joins

Laravel comes packaged with an ORM called Eloquent, which is one of the better PHP tools for dealing with your database layer using objects. It provides all of the features you'd expect from a modern relational mapper, and cleanly uses some PHP magic to make the process pleasant. But it has its …

Prototyping quickly with the PHP built-in server

Sometimes you want to get a server up and running as quickly as humanly possible. Whether it's trying out a js library where the demos only work with a server, developing a static front-end (stand-alone or for integration with an API) or getting a PHP app up and running without setting up apache or …

Knowledge Roundup: Week of 12/14

This is just a dumping ground for articles/books/tools that stuck out to me over the last week.

Most of the articles I read come from some excellent newsletter sources: Javascript Weekly, HTML5 Weekly, Ruby Weekly, Node Weekly, Database Weekly, and the Code Project Newsletter. Books are from a …