JP Camara

Knowledge Roundup: Week of 12/14

This is just a dumping ground for articles/books/tools that stuck out to me over the last week.

Most of the articles I read come from some excellent newsletter sources: Javascript Weekly, HTML5 Weekly, Ruby Weekly, Node Weekly, Database Weekly, and the Code Project Newsletter. Books are from a …

Previewing your Github README

When you're deploying to Github, crafting a helpful and well-formatted README file is a great starting point for people interested in your project. There are lots of Markdown preview tools available (just check for plugins or bundles in your favorite editor/IDE, or an online tool like …

MySQL 5.5 to 5.6 - Type Strictness

If you're upgrading MySQL from 5.5 to 5.6, you may encounter some issues when trying to insert and update data. For instance, trying to insert an empty string into a decimal value may have worked for you in 5.5, but now throws this in 5.6: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'my_decimal_column' …

See you at Burlington Ruby Conf

If you're going to be at Burlington Ruby Conf, tweet at me (@jpcamara) and say hi!