Recent Snippets

2024-12-16: 20 days of ruby gems: part 1

2024-12-02: My MacOS setup for hacking on CRuby

2024-11-28: Counting C method calls in CRuby

2024-11-27: My docker setup for hacking on CRuby

2024-11-26: Calculating the largest known prime in Ruby

Consistent, request-local state

👋🏼 This is a series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a deep dive, so it’s divided into 12 main parts: Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 1 Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 2 Consistent, request-local state Ruby methods are …

Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 2

👋🏼 This is a series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a deep dive, so it’s divided into 12 main parts: Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 1 Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 2 Consistent, request-local state Ruby methods are …

Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 1

👋🏼 This is a series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a deep dive, so it’s divided into 12 main parts: Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 1 Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 2 Consistent, request-local state Ruby methods are …