
2024-12-16: 20 days of ruby gems: part 1 Over on BlueSky, Gregory Brown suggested a #20daygemchallenge. Post gems you’ve either used time and …

2024-12-14: My RubyConf talk is now on YouTube! I was honored to present a talk on Ruby concurrency at RubyConf 2024. It represents a high-level …

2024-12-04: Speeding up Ruby by rewriting C… in Ruby There is a recent language comparison repo which has been getting shared a lot. In it, CRuby was the …

2024-12-02: My MacOS setup for hacking on CRuby I recently posted my docker setup for hacking on CRuby, which showed how I test Linux features when …

2024-11-28: Counting C method calls in CRuby There is a central macro in CRuby, RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS, which is a very hot path for the Ruby …

2024-11-27: My docker setup for hacking on CRuby I run on MacOS, but I often want to test Linux behaviors when working on the CRuby implementation. …

2024-11-26: Calculating the largest known prime in Ruby Looking to impress your Ruby friends by calculating the largest known prime, 2 ** 136_279_841-1? On …

2024-08-26: The Thread API : Concurrent, colorless Ruby 👋🏼 This is part of series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a …

2024-07-16: Ruby methods are colorless 👋🏼 This is part of series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a …

2024-07-01: Consistent, request-local state 👋🏼 This is a series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a deep …

2024-06-26: Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 2 👋🏼 This is a series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a deep …

2024-06-04: Your Ruby programs are always multi-threaded: Part 1 👋🏼 This is a series on concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous programming in Ruby. It’s a deep …

2023-05-25: A comprehensive guide to PgBouncer/Postgres compatibility My previous post, PgBouncer is important, useful, and fraught with peril, was a deep dive into …

2023-04-12: PgBouncer is useful, important, and fraught with peril Updated 2024-09-17 to reflect updated PgBouncer support for protocol-level prepared statements 🐘 To …

2023-03-07: Making Tanstack Table 1000x faster with a 1 line change A few months back I was working on a Javascript frontend for a large dataset using Tanstack Table. …

2023-02-09: Kicking the social media habit with “one sec” Twitter. Oh how I could stroll that infinite corridor of information. Ever since having kids my …

2021-03-15: Is there an ideal coding style? Nope! There isn’t. The coding style you use is a preference. Even if studies have backed your …

2016-07-26: Clean Subdomains in Laravel When building a website or application there are a variety of reasons you might want a subdomain …

2016-02-25: Using the Device Clipboard in React Native As a quickly evolving library, React Native is often supplemented by features from the community, …

2015-12-02: React Native impressions from a Cordova user Introduction As web developers, we see the potential that the web offers, as a platform and as a …

2015-02-23: Better Than Bootstrap Javascript: Click Delay Last week we dug into Javascript Carousels, first analyzing the implementation Bootstrap offers and …

2015-02-17: Better Than Bootstrap Javascript: Carousels Last week we started small, and looked to improve the perceived performance of our website with …

2015-02-09: Better Than Bootstrap Javascript: Loaders Bootstrap is an awesome tool, and something I use all the time. The ability to have so much css …

2015-01-19: Selecting carefully with Laravel joins Laravel comes packaged with an ORM called Eloquent, which is one of the better PHP tools for dealing …

2015-01-12: Using with the Ionic Framework Ionic and are Javascript frameworks that aim to bridge the gap between the web and native …

2015-01-09: Resource Roundup - Week of 1/4

Busy week - so I did a little less reading than usual. I'm also finally reading "Think and Grow …

2015-01-02: Resource Roundup - Week of 12/28


This is exactly how I feel …

2014-12-29: The context of `this` Understanding the different contexts of this in Javascript is an important step towards truly …

2014-12-26: Knowledge Roundup - Week of 12/21


Nasa Wants to Colonize Venus

I feel like i've read and listened to this topic a few times …

2014-12-18: Knowledge Roundup: Week of 12/14

This is just a dumping ground for articles/books/tools that stuck out to me over the last week.

Most …

2014-12-15: Previewing your Github README When you're deploying to Github, crafting a helpful and well-formatted README file is a great …

2014-07-29: See you at Burlington Ruby Conf If you're going to be at Burlington Ruby Conf, tweet at me (@jpcamara) and say hi!